Fees and Payment

American Serial Publication is committed to open-access publishing, ensuring that research is freely available to everyone. Below are the details regarding our fees and payment options for authors and institutions.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

  1. APC Structure
    • Standard APC: The standard APC for publishing an article in our journals is $100. This fee covers the costs associated with peer review, editing, production, and online hosting.
    • Discounts and Waivers: Discounts up to 60% may be available for authors from low – Medium income countries or under special circumstances. Authors should contact the editorial office to inquire about eligibility.
  2. APC Inclusions
    • Editorial and Peer Review: Comprehensive editorial and peer review services to ensure high-quality publications.
    • Formatting and Production: Professional formatting, typesetting, and production of the final published article.
    • Online Hosting and Maintenance: Permanent online hosting of the article, ensuring global access and discoverability.
    • Archiving: Long-term archiving in digital repositories to preserve the research record.

Payment Process

  1. Invoice Generation
    • Post-Acceptance: Upon acceptance of the manuscript, an invoice for the APC will be issued to the corresponding author.
    • Payment Deadline: Payment should be made within 30 days of the invoice date to proceed with publication.
  2. Payment Methods
    • Credit/Debit Card: Payments can be made securely online via major credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express).
    • Bank Transfer: Authors can also choose to pay via bank transfer. Bank details will be provided on the invoice.
    • Institutional Payments: For authors affiliated with institutions, payments can be arranged through the institution’s accounting department.
  3. Payment Assistance
    • Institutional Membership: Authors affiliated with institutions that have a membership agreement with American Serial Publication may be eligible for discounted or waived APCs. Authors should verify this with their institution.
    • Funding Support: Authors are encouraged to check if their research funding covers APCs. Many funding agencies and institutions have provisions for covering publication costs.

Refund Policy

  1. Eligibility for Refunds
    • Withdrawal: If an author withdraws their manuscript before publication, a partial refund may be available, minus any administrative and processing fees incurred.
    • Error in Billing: In cases of billing errors or overpayment, a full refund of the excess amount will be provided.
  2. Non-Refundable Situations
    • Post-Publication: Once an article is published, APCs are generally non-refundable as the services have been rendered.
    • Author Misconduct: If an article is retracted due to author misconduct (e.g., plagiarism, falsification of data), the APC is non-refundable.